dPIPE is pipe flexibility and stress analysis software used for static and dynamic analysis of nuclear and industrial piping.
The following types of loads and their combinations are considered within dPIPE analysis:
static loads:
- self weight;
- internal pressure;
- thermal expansions;
- nodal or distributed forces and moments.
dynamic loads:
- acceleration response spectra for uniform or independent supports motion seismic analysis;
- acceleration time histories;
- transient & vibration loads.
dPIPE calculates the structural responses and stresses of piping systems in compliance with following international codes and standards:
Nuclear Codes:
- Russian Code PNAE G-7-002-86 «Norms for Strength Calculations of Equipment and Pipelines for Nuclear Power Facilities», ANNEX 5
- ASME BPVC Code, Section III, Subsections NB, NC, ND
- NTD A.S.I. Sekce III, Příloha A, Hodnocení pevnosti zařízení a potrubí jaderných elektráren typu VVER, 2016
Industrial Codes:
- Russian Code RD 10-249-98 «Strength Design Code for Stationary Boilers and Steam and Hot Water Pipelines», chapter 5.2;
- ASME B31.1 "Power Piping";
- ASME B31.4 "Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids";
- EN 13480 "Metallic Industrial Piping"
dPIPE is certified by Russian Nuclear Authority (Certificate No 265) for Stress Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Piping Systems and was approved by a number of European Nuclear Authorities for Safety Related Piping Analysis.